Jim Kelso

This journal is dedicated to the beauty, power and mystery of Numinous Nature, and is meant to encourage a renewed love-affair with the Wild as found in our forests, prairies, mountains, deserts and back-yards.

Category Archives: Kelso Work

Two Friends Zen Camp Knife

The inspiration for the form of this knife is the Japanese kogatana/kozuka, a small knife with handle that is companion to the katana. I have long admired the simple form of these knives and the often sublimely beautiful art found on the kozuka handle. My desire to work in iron on the handle led to...

Ruling Passion

This piece, a contemplation sculpture for the hand, perhaps more than any other of my works, was inspired by an actual event. It was, I think, 2013, and I was walking in the field across from our house about 10PM, the night before the June solstice full moon, so the moon was quite full. On...

Quiet Signs

This knife represents for me both a return and an apex in my knife work. The return is twofold; being only my second knife in more than 15 years, and a return to working with my good friend Master-Smith Don Fogg and his inspirational work. The apex, again for me personally, concerns both the artistic...

Symbol Of Faith

This work represents hope and faith in the regenerative force of nature in both symbolic and tangible ways. In a time of unusually prevalent dark forces, I believe it is incumbent upon me as an artist to not become overwhelmed and loose sight of the enduring beauty and energy reflected, not only in full-flowering nature,...

Unseen Hand Revisited

This is a restoration of an earlier post. The piece is titled Unseen Hand Of Water. My aim with this work was to evoke the mystery around a narrative that has already passed. I had begun the carving before the tragic events in Tohoku, Japan, March 2011, and I was certainly struck with how water...


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